Another Day of Prayer?

Another day of prayer! Now, there's a cogent, courageous and responsible approach to catastrophe which the population of New Orleans is now experiencing. Another day of prayer! Well that will be a relief to those now homeless, foodless, water-logged and water-less. There's a bone thrown to those whose lives were swept away in the flood waters which some careful forethought and government planning might have prevented. There's a distraction from the obvious incompetence and ignorance displayed by our present government leaders (hah!) who were forced to prematurely end their vacations for jobs they'd only incompetently handled.
What good are your fasts and your days of prayer? the prophet Isaiah asks. It's a rhetorical question. Isaiah knows that it is only in the form of reformed behavior that repentance is acceptable. Forgiveness comes only when we care for the orphan, the widow and the stranger.
I saw a picture of Dick Cheney walking with the Mayor of a city in Mississippi which had suffered from Katrina. Both men were white, and behind them was a house not just standing, but standing for the elite White aristocracy. Neither man was sweating, and they both wore clean clothes and walked with full bellies.

Another day of prayer? Hah!
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