Sitting So Patiently

I also bought an awl and hatchet for cutting wood. I bought cords of wood (I never quite learned of what a face cord of wood consists). For several wintry months I trudged outside, split the wood and carried them into the house where I never learned to build an adequate fire. In a recent remodeling, I had a gas fire place installed. I can control it from the couch by remote control.
I also acquired a riding lawn mower. I sat atop it wearing my Che Guevera tee shirt. I spent hours riding lugubriously back and forth across my law, shearing off the heads of many dandelions, a few sprouting trees, and much natural grass. I call it natural grass because it blew in rather than was planted. It is an accidental lawn, for the most part. As I write this I await the newly hired lawn maintenance people to manicure my lawn. They do a wonderful job; even my daughter said, “Gee, the sidewalks are even clean. When you mowed the lawn you left all the clippings on them.”
The myth of the self-sufficient man died easily here. Good riddance, I say.
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