As it Happens

As it happens, it was easy to find the boy in the man, and it was comfortable to make this discovery. Everyone looked the same as I had remembered them, except older. But not really older, because they were all my age, and I can’t imagine being my age. There didn’t have to be a great deal of reminiscence; in the flow of conversation the present and past mixed easily. Nostalgia, the desire for an emotion which never really occurred, never seemed evident.

And occasionally, we would surprise each other, as when I said that I attended shul most Shabbats. Or when Paul narrated the wonderful story of his travels during the 1970’s. We didn’t talk about music, but it played almost constantly. Rather than fuss with the disks on the turntable, however, either stacking them (a sin!), or rising from our chairs every twenty minutes or so to turn one over or place a new one on the spindle, the iPod blared its contents through a portable speaker-system

We all lived privileged lives; we have been lucky and personal tragedy does not seem to have yet touched us. We can laugh openly and freely, and live with open skies. And perhaps, regardless, we have each other should there be a touch of grey in our silver linings.
It was a lovely weekend gentlemen and friends. Its a pleasure to call you my dear friends. Who else but you would be reading this?

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