April Snows

I think I’m just going to ignore today’s April snow. Oh, it was a significant fall—white covers the ground as in early December and January, though at this time of the year the snow is wet and heavy and not dry and fluffy. It doesn’t so much crunch under foot as collapse.
But other than the immediate path to my cabin door, I’m not shoveling. By afternoon or evening, the warmer air will begin to melt the snow I haven’t moved off of my path, and by mid-week (Passover with snow on the ground seems an affront to the whole concept of the holiday) all of the snow will be gone again. These late snows remind me of Jack Nicholson in The Shining: after opening a huge whole in the door with his ax, he presses his face maniacally to the whole and sinisterly says, “Honey, I’m home.” Nature is standing outside of my door with the ax.
Cleaning the kitchen for Pesach. There were crumbs in the toaster I didn’t recognize as bread! There was food on the shelves purchased immediately after last Passover and the jars are still there. The stainless steel looks stainless again.
And the damn snow falls as did the heavenly blessed manna.
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