07 November 2017

Ignorance and Mass Murderers

Our ignorant President claimed publicly that the mass shooting at a Texas rural church was the work of a mentally ill person. “Mental health is your problem here . . .” it represents the act of “a very deranged individual.” The shooting last month in Las Vegas also seems to have been the work of a mentally unbalanced person. According to the ignorant President, these shootings were not an issue concerning gun laws in the United States but with lone wolves with grievances, guns, but no ideological position and mental derangement hugely. But these very ‘deranged’ individuals purchased their weapons legally after some clearly ineffective absurd form of background check! But there is no problem with gun laws, Mr. Ignorant President??
     The mass killing in New York last week by a man driving a Home Depot rental truck was deemed a terrorist act and confirmed to the Ignorant President the need for stricter immigration laws and the necessity for extreme vetting to exclude those criminal extremists from entering this otherwise safe nation. This description does not apply to the mass killings perpetrated by mostly white males. They must be considered mentally deranged and their actions cannot be termed domestic terrorism and thus, requires no action that might prevent future mass shootings by ‘deranged’ individuals.
     The existence of racism in the offices of the White House alarms me. The gubernatorial race in Virginia suggests that the Republican party following Trumps repulsive leald is willing to use racist language to win election in any way possible: they are no better than any low brow fascist. I read the papers and I reflect that the Republican Party is populated for the most part by mostly white men who have no conscience, no sense of social concern for the less fortunate: the widow, the orphan or the stranger in our midst. The party of Lincoln has become the street gang of Trump. If they weren’t so dangerous they would be comical.  But I think what alarms me lately is the normalization of his ignorance by the press and social media that he regularly excoriates. His calumny of them emphasizes his ignorance: but their relative silence allows him literally get away with murder. His lies should be headlines; his behavior should be described as what it is: the flailing of an egomaniacal buffoon playacting as a President, a narcissist parading as a moral leader.  One would imagine that such language, such behavior by someone other than Trump would be noted with horror by the newspapers, the population, the world. Who would tolerate such idiocy? But where are the screaming headlines??
     In the past month or so more than one hundred people have been massacred by gun violence: the damn fool says to move on!


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