May all Your Favorite Bands Stay Together

I hope your brother’s El Camino runs forever
I hope the world sees the same person that you always were to me
And may all your favorite bands stay together
But one’s favorite bands represented more than the music they played: they were a time and place, friends and even lovers, early hopes for some variety of communal living—visions, I suppose, of a rock n’ roll heaven. Favorite bands spoke to the devotee in sympathetic and cryptic languages, gave distance from the insular home and helped preserve our early energies and means of escapes. Our favorite bands encapsulated our lives, and when they broke up we felt abandoned. If our lives were becoming messy, at least the music would remain consistent and hold us—even bind us, together, but when they broke up they left a huge gap in our consciousness.
Our adult lives are life without a chaperone, but I don’t know if it is all I thought it’d be. I thought it would contain my favorite bands, for one.
So I suppose the sound of the Dawes recording in my dreams last evening indicates both a regret and a hope. My favorite bands didn’t always stay together, and none of my cars (except my present Prius!!) ran forever. I certainly don’t think the world sees me as I would be seen—who would?? But we can cling to the idea that we had a favorite band and we can hold to the hope that they will reunite, young as they and we once were.
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