15 November 2023

The Obscenity, the Obscenity

The Oxford English Dictionary dates the definition of obscenity to the early 17th century, 1608 to be exact. It then meant “indecency, impurity, lewdness (esp. of language”). In 1618 obscenity referred to “foulness, loathsomeness.” It seems to me today that in this regard Donald Trump is an obscenity. His language represents indecent, impure and lewd expression. He spews vulgarity: “We will root the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country . . . the real threat is not from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left, and it’s growing every day  . . . The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within.” Oh my god, I realize, He’s talking about me! In language that echoes the obscene, hateful rhetoric of the 20th century monsters Hitler and Mussolini, Trump declares that under his reign it is me that he would eliminate.
            Trump’s every move embodies this obscenity—his rhetoric is foul and loathsome, he is indecent and very, very dangerous. Stephen Collinson writes on CNN that “It is true that Trump has adopted the rhetorical strategies of some of the most reviled dictators. He dehumanizes his political enemies, has discredited the legal, political and electoral system, has demonized the press and has targeted vulnerable members of society, minorities and immigrants, as scapegoats.” And yet I am appalled that there are millions of voters who are prepared to put him in the position to carry out his obscenities; This thought irrationally obsesses me--that there are people who are willing to wallow in his obscenities, to advocate for his intentions and promise to vote to eliminate me, our children, our communities, our freedoms . . . all that we have that makes our lives safe, free (which may be the same thing) and habitable. And now I look into the faces of everyone I pass on the street (though I think Minnesota is yet a selectively safe place for white folks) and I wonder if they belong to that obscene mob who would enthusiastically participate in my elimination and join share in his obscenity. I wonder what they tell their children about Trump’s abhorrent rhetoric? I recall the photos of lynchings that have captured young children staring up at the strange fruit hanging from the branches. I wonder if these fellow Americans (that is meant as too obvious irony!) would tolerate such talk from their children as vomits out of the mouth of Trump and echoed in his sycophantic followers. If these so-called conscientious citizens would allow it, then they, too, embody obscenity. And then I read today in the papers that the Republican leadership continues its unquestioned support of Trump and echo his vitriol and lies. Who are these people?? I am remembering Daniel Goldhagen’s book, Hitler’s Willing Executioners that gave evidence of the enthusiastic participation of ordinary Germans in Hitler’s attempt to eliminate the Jews.

            I understand that this posting is a screed, and I realize even as I write that this release doesn’t ease my mind. Trump and his minions cast a pall over every day and there will be little relief for it until he is convicted and jailed or defeated again in the election.  



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