I think it is May. Today, the temperature did not go above 45 degrees, and the rain did not cease, and the wind blew blustery. It was miserable weather, even for Wisconsin. This is the kind of trick Nature plays usually in April. There is always a week in April where Spring arrives (well, for at least the fifteen years in which I have lived in Wisconsin!). Then, the sun beams warmly and the air moves gracefully, and soothingly and in moderate temperature. Everyone smiles and tunes their lawnmowers. Deck chairs are hauled out of their storage, and signs for thrift sales litter every street corner. And then a foot of snow falls! Just when you’ve let your guard down, just when you’ve begun to breathe freely, just when you relax and open yourself to the world, Nature comes along and slaps us right back down.
But in May? Unseasonably cold is hardly a description for today’s weather. No, today’s weather was an assault. Today’s weather was completely uncalled for, and unnecessary. I did not need this lesson.
I ALREADY KNOW!!!My friend Jane asked if this weather bothers my healing ankle. I assumed she was referring to the ache I might be experiencing from the effects of damp, cold weather on healing bones and ligaments and tendons. I assumed she was referring to the aches and pains experienced by people with joint problems, like sailors and older folks. I told her that my ankle bones did not ache at all as a result of this weather, but that whenever I walked past a bottle of wine which cost more than $15.00, my ankle twitched unmercifully.
Yes, indeed -- a good whine will ultimately soothe the aches and pains, whether from a break, age or imagination. And a good wine will, as well.
As much as I love wine, I've become even more fond of whine. And, if you surround yourself with the proper younger people, a good whine can be very satisfying. They view it as something older, wiser people do precisely because they are older and wiser!
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