Sex or nuclear bombs?

I cannot understand the brouhaha that now bubbles viciously in the haunted halls of Congress concerning the indiscretions of Republican Mark Foley, Republican hypocrite extraordinaire. Actually, I do not intend to discuss Mr. Foley and his titillating emails to young boys, though I have not a few thoughts on this matter. His remarkable stupidity and indiscrete overtures are almost unbelievable not for what they said, in fact, but for the fact that they were said so obviously to be heard. In this regard, I am reminded of Poe’s Imp of the Perverse. Well, Mr. Foley just jumped himself right off the cliff. Down, down, down he goes. Good riddance, I say, to another Republican.
When I look at the front pages of The New York Times one would think that the government was about to crumble and that the very substance of the nation is threatened with dissolution as a result of Foley’s misplaced libidinal excesses. What with North Korea threatening to explode a nuclear weapon; what with Iraq in the midst of civil war; what with failing war on terrorism, and this is what Congress focuses obsessively on right now? This is the primary issue of national concern? Oh, please, spare me this idiocy and hypocrisy.
Methinks the people of Congress are using the Foley affair (alas, it was hardly that, much to poor Mark’s regret!) as a cover for the absolute failure of the Congress to do anything of substance during its current term. What a clever attempt to deflect the public’s attention away from their completely ineffective, craven posturings.
I wonder if anybody in Congress has lately flipped through a recent volume of say, Cosmopolitan, or Girl’s Cosmopolitan, or Girl’s Life. Now there, on every newsstand, are flagrant examples of child exploitation and abuse and pornography. Victoria’s Secret catalogs are delivered by the same United States Post Office that refused to deliver copies of The Masses.
And methinks Congress is twisting Mark Foley in the wind of their own not insignificant flatulence. I think they are all breathing a sign of relief that it was Foley’s libido that got caught and not their own.
Good title. We need to focus on what is most important.
"Priorities ... Priorities ... We don't need no stink'n priorities!"
Its amazing how the American media works. We have lost at least eighteen more American service people during the first few days of October and Shiite Iraqi death squads are conducting small scale ethnic cleansing.
So, what are all the talking heads and politicians focused on? Surprise! Its another sex scandal. And it wasn't even real sex.
Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley's instant message records indicate he is a dude who gets off on fantasy cyber sex with teenaged boys. I believe this is the first virtual sex scandal in Washington DC political history.
Back here in the real world, American men and women are killed, maimed and scarred, both physically and emotionally every day. War is hell. Finally, the mainstream media is beginning to support our troops by speaking the truth about their sacrifices. more
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