Priorities? Who would such fardels bear?

Here is the news report from the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush on Tuesday signed a big increase in the Pentagon's non-war budget, and vetoed a spending measure for health and education programs prized by congressional Democrats.
The president's action was announced on Air Force One as Bush flew to Indiana for a speech expected to criticize the Democratic-led Congress on its budget priorities.
The $471 billion defense budget gives the Pentagon a 9 percent increase, roughly $40 billion.
I read this news item just before class today. The class towards which I was headed was Foundations of Education. And what should I tell them today?
Actually I would tell them this: the President’s action today--which I suspect will be supported by the craven and immoral members of Congress (a redundancy certainly called for here)--contradicts everything they will learn about education and about their roles as teachers. George Bush defeated them before they began!
Personally, I think he does it just to annoy me. What other reason could there be for such blatant stupidity? I have students who would be too embarrassed to use such logic to explain their behavior. There are children who have more sense than our fearful leader. My thirteen year old loves Hannah Montana, who, thankfully, has more principles than the entire Bush administration possesses.
My thirteen year old sees the absurdity in Bush’s action, and the stupidity of his actions. The hypocrisy of George W. Bush threatens the educational system of the United States; the hypocrisy of George W. Bush teaches better and more perniciously than all the brave teachers who must subsist in the schools Bush will not fund. George W. Bush and his evil pack are more dangerous than all the terrorists he can’t protect us from because he is so ignorant. We live in very dangerous times because George W. Bush is the President of the United States of America. Today, the greatest enemy of the United States is our government headed by George W. Bush and his merry band of hateful women and men. I hold them all in contempt. They are contemptible.
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