Another Election Day. And I will vote as I have for the past
forty five years. When I began voting the legal age was twenty-one; it has
since been lowered to eighteen—if you could die for your country at that age,
you should at least have the right to vote for those who would send you to your
death! I have great faith in democracy though over the years I have not voted
for many who finally attained office, but this year, I maintain little hope in
the discernment of the voters. Predictions are that the Republicans will gain
control over the Senate and might even pick up further seats to increase their
majority in the House. Were they intelligent; were they ethical; were they
amenable to negotiation and compromise, I would be not content with their
victories but at least not terrified at the prospect of their assumption of
power. But the Republican denial of global warming, their attack on voting
rights, on abortion rights, on raising the minimum wage, on health care and
basic concern for the widow, the orphan and the stranger in our midst, deeply
troubles me and portends a world not conducive to the ability of our children
¾of my children
¾ to continue to thrive or
sometimes I think, to even survive. My parents promised me a world that would
be better than theirs, and somehow they succeeded. Or I succeeded in a world
they gave me—imperfect as that world might have been. But I cannot promise my
children a better world: indeed, with the dire warnings concerning global
warming I am not certain what world I will be able to deed to them.
We have lived a privileged life, I
know. But I am not certain that the quality of that privilege will continue to
offer the children security. The Republican majority and the greedy and corrupt
money that lies behind it threatens the securities and freedoms I have enjoyed
and my children may not experience. I was appalled at the election of Ronald
Reagan; angered at the election of George W. Bush, and I am frightened to learn
the results of today’s election process.
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