Shame on all of us!

The lead article on page one of today’s New York Times declares, “Hastert, a Political Survivor, Vows to Overcome Scandal.” This refers, of course, to the calls for Hastert’s resignation as a consequence of his silent complicity in Mark Foley’s sexually suggestive indiscretions to the Senate’s young pages. I say, stand your ground, Dennis. Show them what the Republicans are all about. Show them all what courage you can muster in the face of oppression and difficult times.
Not found on page one of today’s New York Times is the account of the burial of the fifth victim of the massacre in the rural schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. No words from Dennis Hastert. At September’s close, six teenage girls at school were taken hostage at a school near Bailey, Colo., One of the girls was shot and killed. A principal in a small Wisconsin town was fatally shot. Not a peep from Congress regarding gun control; not a word demanding inquiry how these events could occur. No call for gun control. No call for safe schools. No wonder about the state of our culture, our society. No concern for our children. No sense of human concern and decency.
Cowards die a thousand deaths, and the stench suffocates us all.
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