Primary Running Colors

Tonight I will listen to the primary returns from Wisconsin. I live and vote in Wisconsin. I voted in the primary election early this morning. It was very, very cold. I worry about the continuing cold in the political climate of the United States.
I have been voting since 1968. That year I voted for Hubert Humphrey. He did not win. In 1972, I voted for George McGovern. He did not win. I think that year I also voted for Charles Goodell for Senator of New York. He lost to James Buckley. In 1976, I finally elected someone, albeit, it was, alas, Jimmy Carter. Twice, I voted for Bill Clinton. I cried when Paul Wellstone perished in a plane crash, and suspected the Republicans. I cried when Minnesota elected Norm Coleman who stands for nothing but Norm Coleman over Walter Mondale. I could not comprehend that a state that was poised to vote for Wellstone would opt for Coleman. In forty years of voting, I can account for 12 years, and the rest is nightmare. These past eight years, especially, have been particularly difficult, as I live under a haughty, self-serving and horrifyingly stupid regime. I mean, we have a President who advertises his ‘Cs’ in school, a Vice President who shoots before he speaks, and a Supreme Court which reminds me of nothing less than a Star Chamber. I know, I know, I exaggerate, but not a great deal. I can think of few people I know who are more safe, more financially comfortable, more secure in their futures as a result of the work of the Bush administration. On the contrary, everyone that I know suffers more now than when they took over. I am reading Reading Lolita in Teheran, and I am appalled how the fear and horror of the Ayatollah and his repressive regime parallels my own fears and horrors under the Bush administration.
I don’t know how I can tolerate another Republican victory. It is not just a matter of Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee; I think this is a matter of life and death. I have two children. The Republicans offer only destruction and death.
I heard those idiots debating in Minnesota. Everything about them denies everything I hold dear.
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