Waiting again!

Waiting again. It is not a surprise that I discover myself in this situation, and again I realize that I am living the play Waiting for Godot, hoping (for some reason) that I am Vladimir and not Estragon. At yet another Caribou Coffee, and again hooked up to the internet keeping busy, I guess, just filling the time. Of course, time is all empty until I do something with it, fill it so to speak, and so to claim that I am waiting is just to say that I am at another place, and that I am in activity. I have never been good at doing nothing; this is probably why TM never appealed to me. Shabbat is the closest I come, especially dinners shared with friends. Worship prevents me from attending to the mundane, and offers me the opportunity for transcendence. Sometimes I actually achieve it.
I’m drinking a large green tea, with honey. At first I just liked the honey I put in it, but then while I was sitting without my clothes on in the doctor’s office I read two articles exclaiming the benefits of green tea in preventing cancers. The same articles spoke of the advantages of honey in relieving sore throats, and so I load up my tea with organic honey: but what other kind of honey could there be. I have heard that honey never spoils! The same cannot be said of myself. Dosage is three to four cups, with honey.
And waiting.
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