Can I stop now?

Last weekend of the Long Campaign. And the word this week speaks already about 2012 and the candidacy of Sarah Palin. Of course, they say, if McCain wins (my deepest nightmare) then Palin is next up to run in 2012 because McCain will certainly be too old to campaign again. If the two lose (my sweetest dreams) then Palin is the frontrunner for 2012. What are they thinking? Is anybody thinking? How much money will they spend on clothes, hair and makeup when she runs for the Big Office?
I think she’s better enroll herself in school first. Maybe she should learn to imitate Tina Fey.
I hold my breath until Tuesday. The Republican candidates have stooped to new lows; they are not nice people, and for that reason alone they should not be elected to office. They glory in half-truths and in no truths; they revel in innuendo and deception, and the traffic in fear and loathing: playing on the fears of an American electorate and a loathing of that very electorate. Both McCain and Palin should crawl right back down into their holes and wallow in their own mud.
I hope beyond hope (I have faith but I seem to lack hope, or is that vice versa?) that the American people will elect Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States and begin to prepare a world in which my children can live.
Dylan is playing the Northrup Auditorium Election night. Of course. Who better to make comment on this election that Bob Dylan? Whose words would be more prescient than his? I intend to be there in my hopes, and then to go home following the show and glory (I hope) in the election returns. And drink to the hard working people.
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