Snow Days

Snow Day today—though twice it snowed in October, this could be called the first Winter Storm. Indeed, that is exactly what the weather people called it: last evening they issued a Winter Storm warning. And right on schedule, the winter storm arrived dropping inches of snow on the ground where it was instantly blown about by steady and heavy winds, the drifting snows landing almost directly in front of every egress and ingress on the premises. I spend some unpleasant time today shoveling my way into and out of Walden.
It must have been a serious storm because Governor Doyle closed all government offices—even the University campuses. Interesting, because yesterday afternoon the Chancellor announced that the University never closes. Immediately, it was closed. Ozymandias, King of Kings.
I’ve spent not an inconsiderable amount of time lately avoiding the news. Oh, I check the headlines to ensure that the world remains somewhat intact, and I look at the ages of those recently deceased, but I am loathe to despoil my days with rumor and innuendo and unpleasantries. I know that the health care reform travels with great travail through Congress, and that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to rage and to continue. Men still cannot help but make fools of themselves: even as they advocate moral behavior for every one else they betray their venality. The latest exposé exposes Tiger Woods. Ah, how the society seems filled with Trojan Horses.
The semester draws again to a close; I’ve not done enough, and I’ve done too much. I’ll be glad to see it pass.
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