Random Ramblings for the new year

The year hasn’t started well, what with Saddam Hussein’s execution, the continuing deadly war in Iraq, and the global warming which has made January in Wisconsin feel like March. The past few years have been significantly milder, and I joked about the change of climate (climate, William James said, was what we call the weather over a series of days). Now, I grow concerned. I live on a hill, but the melting of the polar ice cap will certainly bring the waters to this height. I can’t build an ark—I haven’t been given either the order or the tools. Years ago I gave away my electric saw, drill and screwdriver.
And there is always the absurd presence of George Bush. How soon until history relegates him to the dustbins? Except for the death and destruction he has caused, what exactly has he accomplished?
Anyway, wanted to start the new year with a new posting. Its already the first week of the new year, and so my hello is a bit late. But it is sincere. And it brings us closer to the next election.
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