The Ten Most Harmful Books--Are You Kidding?

So far, well, the list, silly as it is, is also horribly predictable. And remarkably limited. Of course, once a book makes the list, is it more or less harmful. Worse, shouldn’t we all read these books now so that we know what ideas to avoid?
But when I arrive at the book nominated in fifth place, I ceased laughing. For right underneath Chairman Mao, and right before Karl Marx’s Das Kapital (I assume Volume I), is John Dewey’s Democracy and Education. I cannot begin to deal with this absurdity. Finally, I understand the condition of apoplexy. Because it seems to be that one reason the conservative agenda knows enough to name the ten most harmful books is because they were educated in a democracy and John Dewey’s Democracy and Education is an eloquent advocacy for a social system constructed on a foundation of an educational establishment in which social justice and individual contentment co-depend and co-exist. Without an educational system based in Democracy and Education, without a social system advocated in Democracy in Education, then all of those harmful books wouldn’t even be known as harmful. They’d be permanent policy!
As if books could ever be harmful!! What happened to the whole idea of education as learning to read with critical intelligence?
How absurd! How silly to have wasted my time on such idiocy!

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